Project Overview
The decommissioning and demolition of the Bruce Heavy Water Plant (BHWP) was completed in 2006. As part of its environmental assessment follow-up and monitoring plan, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) committed to performing a radiological survey to demonstrate that there were no impacts to the environment from the demolition and soil remediation work undertaken.
How We Helped
We performed the Phase III of the end state monitoring program at the former Bruce Heavy Water Plant. It encompassed the confirmation or refutation of groundwater contamination at the site as well as review of air quality with respect to regulatory limits and guidelines.
The work undertaken included;
- A gamma radiation survey of the lands (over 30 hectares) associated with the BHWP site according to MARSSIM methods to verify that the site is a Class 3 area. Gamma surveys were performed using our mobile system consisting of two survey meters integrated with a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit
- Groundwater monitoring of 31 wells in the spring and fall months for 4 years from 2009 to 2012. Groundwater samples were collected in the field and sent to our Analytical and Environmental Services Laboratory (AESL)
- Analysis of the groundwater samples according to the Ministry of Environment Standards for chemical and radiochemical contaminants such as metals, petroleum hydrocarbons and radionuclides (tritium and gamma-emitters)
- Assessment of quality at the BHWP site by conducting dust fall and total suspended particulate (TSP) measurements