Project Overview
Cernavoda is the site of two 700MWe CANDU reactors, operated by Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica (SNN), in Romania . The regulator, CNCAN, required SNN to submit a Preliminary Decommissioning Plan (PDP) for both units. including the general technical approach and estimates on schedule, cost, dose and waste for specific options.
How We Helped
We developed the PDP, maintaining consistency with the requirements of the regulator starting with proposing and gaining agreement on the end state . From there we developed all aspects of the PDP, including general technical approach, estimates on schedule, cost, dose and waste for specific options.
This work included:
- The use of the International Structure for Decommissioning Costing (ISDC) format for the cost estimation. We used DECOM’s OMEGA code for this task.
- Developing the templates and procedure for collecting the facility inventory data; managing the data collection; formatting the collected data into the required database format.
- Developing the decommissioning categories and identifying additional cost-data required for the ISDC costing model.
- Performing OMEGA code runs aimed at optimization of the costing case, formatting the costs, manpower and exposure data into ISDC format, and formatting the waste data related to the costing model.
- Preparing data and analysis for the cost estimates.
- Preparing the costing report.
- Supporting SNN in responding to questions from the regulator.