
Electrical equipment failure in industrial facilities, generation plants, and distribution networks can have serious economic impacts and severe safety consequences. Conducting a failure analysis on faulted equipment allows asset owners to identify root causes of the failure, prevent recurrence, and mitigate risks of occurrence.

Webinar Registration Closed

Thank you to everyone who attended this webinar on how to conduct successful failure investigations.

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Webinar Details

In this webinar, we will discuss:

  • Why perform failure investigations? Prime objectives and benefits
  • Distinction between failure analysis and root cause analysis
  • After the failure and before the investigation: The importance of preserving the evidence
  • Fundamental steps in failure investigation
  • Available tools and methodologies
  • Equipment specific failure analysis: Case studies

Who Should Attend?

  • Distribution engineers
  • Station engineers
  • Maintenance engineers
  • Design engineers
  • Reliability engineers
  • Asset managers


Arend Koert

Arend Koert

Principal Engineer/Scientist, Power System Studies
David Rouison

David Rouison

Technical Director, Materials & Major Components