
Connectors in transmission lines represent a small portion of the line’s overall budget; however, once installed in the line, replacing them can be very expensive. The large number of connectors in the network makes them an important target from a system reliability perspective.

Webinar Registration Closed

Thank you to everyone who attended this webinar on how connectors are used in overhead transmission lines, their classification, and the governing standards that define testing requirements.

Webinar Details

In this presentation, we will cover the following areas:

  • Testing requirements for power connectors
  • When and why to test
  • Failure modes and contributing factors
  • Condition assessment and failure investigation
  • Kinectrics’ capabilities

Who Should Attend?

  • Utilities engineers interested in transmission line connectors
  • Line asset management
  • Project engineers
  • Personnel with general interest in connectors for transmission lines


Genti Gorja v2

Genti Gorja

Service Lince Lead, Overhead Lines