Substation Testing Overview

Substation commissioning ensures that equipment is installed properly and has the performance and interrelated functioning and communication needed for safe and reliable operation. Our testing expertise, for all equipment types, validates performance parameters before energization and grid connection.

We perform a wide range of testing services to validate performance of key substation components, including transformers, high and medium voltage cables, overhead conductors, breakers, and communication equipment. Additionally, we perform condition assessments of existing substation components to support asset management and replacement strategies.

Why Our Substation Testing and Substation Commissioning?

  • Complete Field Capabilities

    We have an extensive array of field equipment to support testing of critical substation components.

  • Impartial Analysis

    The power industry relies on us to provide independent third party testing.

  • Knowledge of Regulations

    Our experts provide key industry leadership in standards committees such as IEEE and IEC. This engagement serves to both positively impact standard development and inform test method development.

  • Deep Experience Base

    With hundreds of tests on substation components under our belt and certifications of a wide range of equipment designs, you be confident in the experience we will bring to your project.