Ground Grid Testing Overview

Ground grid testing provides confidence in the proper design and performance of the grounding system in terms of meeting safety requirements of personnel working inside the substation and outside the fenced area of high voltage yards as prescribed in IEEE 80.

It also verifies major design parameters such as ground potential rise, ground impedance, step and touch potentials, and current splits into external ground connections. These tests comply with the IEEE 81 guidelines that outline the proper procedures for these measurements.

Our core testing methodology is based on current injection testing (CIT) which injects a low amplitude and off-frequency test current to the grounding system to duplicate down-scaled real fault scenarios. The CIT is performed by either injecting from auxiliary test electrodes thousands of feet outside the station (overland injection) or by using a de-energized circuit that is isolated and grounded for the tests. We also perform integrity testing to evaluate the integrity of all above-grade bonds as well as buried ground conductors. These tests include injecting a 1 – 10 A DC test current between accessible bonds, measuring the micro-ohm resistance, and comparing that with the resistance estimated by the modeled mesh of resistances created based on the conductor layout.

Why Ground Grid Testing?

  • Safety Assurance

    Ground grid testing ensures the safety of personnel working inside the substation and the general public outside its fenced area.

  • Extensive Experience

    With extensive experience conducting risk assessments, our team is able to reduce vulnerability to lightning damage.

  • Cost Saving

    Significant savings in deferring substation upgrades can be realized if it is found that the ground potential rise is lower than expected from the theoretical design calculations.

  • Reliable Operations

    We add confidence to the design calculations by reviewing the electrical safety of the station, and investigating, developing, and applying mitigation solutions.