
Testing and certification of safety equipment is essential in the electric power industry to both ensure worker protection and comply with industry regulatory standards.

We provide full on-site and off-site testing of insulated tools and equipment including bucket trucks, digger derricks, and other insulated devices, to meet any electrical contractor or utility needs. Our off-site testing can be scheduled to prevent downtime for your crews and our experts can guide you in testing, evaluation of new and prototype equipment, design of new tools, and improvement of legacy insulated tools.

Insulated tool and dielectric equipment testing is performed using ASTM, ANSI, CSA, IEC, IEEE, and other applicable standards in our laboratories with our state-of-the-art equipment. Tests include checking the ability of a tool or equipment to resist flashover or any other criteria desired by the client. Typically, this is non-destructive testing, but can also undertake destructive tests where necessary.

We provide custom testing programs, equipment work method development, and mobile testing services for most products, as well as a unique live-line tool repair service, including surface refinishing.

Why us

  • Improves Compliance and Safety

    Our expert testing ensures that you meet regulatory compliance and prevents injuries and downtime.

  • Onsite and Offsite Repairs

    We do both onsite and offsite repairs so you can maximize your time constructing or minimize the time spent maintaining your equipment.

  • Up-to-date Insights

    Extensive, varied, experience from work for many companies and support to standards development, enables us to give you up-to-date insights into the best equipment and work practices.

  • Time Saving

    On-site testing limits downtime of equipment and optimizes your employees’ time, letting you focus on your customers and not your tools and equipment.

  • Mitigates Risk

    Risks are removed by finding issues and undertaking repairs before they cause problems.

  • Accredited Labs

    The ISO 17025 accreditation of our labs speaks to the quality of our work.