
Testing and certification of safety equipment is essential in the electric power industry to both ensure worker protection and comply with industry regulatory standards.
We provide full on-site and off-site testing of insulated tools and equipment including bucket trucks, digger derricks, and other insulated devices, to meet any electrical contractor or utility needs. Our off-site testing can be scheduled to prevent downtime for your crews and our experts can guide you in testing, evaluation of new and prototype equipment, design of new tools, and improvement of legacy insulated tools.
Insulated tool and dielectric equipment testing is performed using ASTM, ANSI, CSA, IEC, IEEE, and other applicable standards in our laboratories with our state-of-the-art equipment. Tests include checking the ability of a tool or equipment to resist flashover or any other criteria desired by the client. Typically, this is non-destructive testing, but can also undertake destructive tests where necessary.
We provide custom testing programs, equipment work method development, and mobile testing services for most products, as well as a unique live-line tool repair service, including surface refinishing.
Why us
Improves Compliance and Safety
Our expert testing ensures that you meet regulatory compliance and prevents injuries and downtime.
Onsite and Offsite Repairs
We do both onsite and offsite repairs so you can maximize your time constructing or minimize the time spent maintaining your equipment.
Up-to-date Insights
Extensive, varied, experience from work for many companies and support to standards development, enables us to give you up-to-date insights into the best equipment and work practices.
Time Saving
On-site testing limits downtime of equipment and optimizes your employees’ time, letting you focus on your customers and not your tools and equipment.
Mitigates Risk
Risks are removed by finding issues and undertaking repairs before they cause problems.
Accredited Labs
The ISO 17025 accreditation of our labs speaks to the quality of our work.
Technical Abilities
Technical Excellence
We are familiar with complex multi-discipline designs that support the electrical energy industry. Our core team consists of engineering and technical personnel from a wide range of disciplines including process, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, and structural engineering.
Our access to internal subject matter experts ensures that we can successfully undertake challenging projects like electrical failure analysis or equipment design improvement.
Project Management
Dedicated project managers, supported by our project management office and its fully developed project control systems, ensure the timely delivery of our live line tool and equipment testing services.
Facilities and On-Site Testing
We can undertake repairs both onsite and offsite so that you can maximize your time constructing or minimize the time spent maintaining your electrical safety PPE equipment. Onsite repairs avoid shipping costs and can help reduce equipment turnaround.
Our facilities include high current, high voltage, and other labs in which your equipment can be tested.

Global Reach
We have experience with ground, air, and sea shipments enabling us to ensure effective and convenient delivery.
Quality Management and Safety
All our projects are executed under a well-defined Quality Assurance (QA) program which ensures that we meet or exceed your technical and quality requirements. Our QA program prescribes the procedures, qualifications, inspections, reviews, and acceptance required for each project.
Our Proven Experience
Quality Assurance & Technical Standards
- ASTM D120
- Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating High Voltage Gloves
- ASTM F1826
- Standard Specification for Live Line and Measuring Telescoping Tools
- ASTM F3121/F3121M
- Standard Guide for In-Service Inspection, Maintenance, and Electrical Testing of Hand-Held Live-Line Insulating Tools (Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP))
- ASTM F711
- Standard Specification for Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Rod and Tube Used in Live Line Tools
- ASTM F855
- Standard Specifications for Temporary Protective Grounds to Be Used on De-energized Electric Power Lines and Equipment
- IEC 60743:2013
- Live working. Terminology for tools, devices and equipment
- IEC 60832-1
- Live working - Insulating sticks and attachable devices - Part 1: Insulating sticks
- IEC 60832-2
- Live working - Insulating sticks and attachable devices - Part 2: Attachables devices
- IEC 60855-1
- Live working - Insulating foam-filled tubes and solid rods - Part 1: Tubes and rods of a circular cross-section
- IEC 60895
- Live working - Conductive clothing
- IEC 60900
- Live working - Hand tools for use up to 1 000 V AC and 1 500 V DC
- IEC 60903
- Live Working - Electrical Insulating Glove Testing
- IEC 60984
- Live working – Electrical insulating sleeves
- IEC 61057
- Live Working - Insulating Aerial Lift Devices for Mounting on a Chassis
- IEC 61111
- Live Working - Electrical Insulating Matting
- IEC 61112
- Live Working - Electrical Insulating Blankets
- IEC 61219
- Live working - Earthing or earthing and short-circuiting equipment using lances as a short-circuiting device - Lance earthing
- IEC 61229
- Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. installations
- IEC 61229:1993/AMD1:1998 ED1
- Amendment 1 - Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. installations
- IEC 61229:1993/AMD2:2002 ED1
- Amendment 2 - Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. installations
- IEC 61230
- Portable equipment for earthing or earthing and short-circuiting
- IEC 61235
- Live working - Insulating hollow tubes for electrical purposes
- IEC 61236
- Live working - Saddles, stick clamps and their accessories
- IEC 61472:2013 ED3
- Live working - Minimum approach distances for a.c. systems in the voltage range 72,5 kV to 800 kV - A method of calculation
- IEC 61477:2009 ED2
- Live working - Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, devices and equipment
- IEC 61478:2001 ED1
- Live working - Ladders of insulating material
- IEC 61478:2001/AMD1:2003 ED1
- Live working - Ladders of insulating material
- IEC 61479:2001 ED1
- Live working - Flexible conductor covers (line hoses) of insulating material
- IEC 61479:2001/AMD1:2002 ED1
- Live working - Flexible conductor covers (line hoses) of insulating material
- IEC 62192:2009 ED1
- Live working - Insulating ropes
- IEC 62193:2003 ED1
- Live working - Telescopic sticks and telescopic measuring sticks
- IEC 62237:2003 ED1
- Live working - Insulating hoses with fittings for use with hydraulic tools and equipment
- IEC TR 61328:2017 ED3
- Live working - Guidelines for the installation of transmission and distribution line conductors and earth wires - Stringing equipment and accessory items
- IEEE Standard 978-1984
- IEEE Guide for In-Service Maintenance and Electrical Testing of Live-Line Tools
- IEEE Std 516-2009
- IEEE Guide for Maintenance Methods on Energized Power Lines
- US OSHA 1910.269
- Occupational Safety and Health Standards