Nuclear Services Overview

There is significant pressure placed on nuclear facilities to produce power safely and efficiently, with high capacity factors, however, there are occasions when power production has to stop to undertake outages. Whether they are planned or unplanned outages, their timely and effective execution is essential to safely restarting station operations to generate power as quickly as possible.
Planned outages arise from a need to refuel (when online refueling is not possible), carry out essential inspections or replace an aging component. Planned outages are meticulously planned, components are procured and tested in advance, and outage activities are often rehearsed during mock-ups. With a lot of work being undertaken simultaneously, everything needs to be properly scheduled and precisely choreographed. Unplanned outages require rapid identification of the cause and a quick disposition of issues to allow for quick and flexible support.
Our team can support you in all aspects of your site operations and outages, providing the essential nuclear services needed. This includes performing a wide range of structural integrity-based engineering assessments, utilizing our wide variety of facilities and diverse group of subject matter experts to provide on-site and office-based support with analyzing materials to optimize their performance. In addition, we develop, build and maintain specialized equipment that can be deployed without impact to critical path during outages. In the event of an emergent issue, our extensive forensic team is here to help identify the cause and provide solutions.
Why Our Nuclear Services?
Specialized Inspections
We take on the most challenging nuclear inspections. Our extensive array of custom tooling enables us to tackle even the most specialized inspection tasks. There are also times when emergent issues arise, that require us to develop, build, and test specialized tools to get the job done safely and reliably.
Well Planned & Responsive
The secret to a successful outage lies in detailed planning, but sometimes the unexpected can occur. We meticulously plan, prepare, and rehearse to ensure minimal disruption and critical path adherence while simultaneously maintaining the flexibility to respond quickly to emergent issues.
Experienced & Diverse Team
Our outage and site support services draw on our diverse array of specialized capabilities in areas of design and engineering, safety and licensing, and lifecycle and project management.
Services Designed for You
By working closely with you we develop an understanding of your needs, operating practices, and of the way your station functions, so our services can be customized to fit seamlessly into your outage activities.
Our Nuclear Services & Technical Abilities
Our Proven Experience
Key Clients

BRIMS Maintenance & Execution Program

Custom Circumferential Wet Scrape Tool (CWEST) Design & Supply