
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), also referred to as Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) is a systematic and comprehensive methodology used by the nuclear industry to evaluate risk. It estimates risk by using real numbers to determine what can go wrong, how likely it is, and what the consequences will be.
Often using fault and event tree analyses, PSA incorporates specialty analysis tools and techniques such as Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), a technique for modeling human error, and Common-Cause-Failure analysis (CCF) which evaluates the effect of inter and intra-system dependencies that may cause simultaneous failures and contribute to the overall risk.
PSAs are an integral part of all nuclear facility licensing processes as they help regulators and operators better understand the technology and the way it will be operated. It often leads to safety improvements.
Our team uses PSAs to support you with your licensing applications and we offer a comprehensive range of individual assessments.
Why Us?
Extensive Operational Experience
Extensive experience with nuclear facility licensing and nuclear facility operations is fed into our PSAs to provide you with a valuable source of information that can be leveraged to support PSA applications, operational decision-making, design changes, and cost-benefit analyses.
Assured Results
With more than 40 PSA specialists and decades of experience, we are one of the most experienced PSA teams in the world. By leveraging this experience, we ensure that our assessments are complete, and accurate, and will help ensure you and your nuclear regulator make sound risk-informed decisions.
Over the years we have earned our reputation as a trusted and credible PSA partner. The end result is, more constructive discussions, better collaborations, and mutually satisfied clients and regulators.
Broad Service Offering
Our PSA team often works with our other in-house specialists to ensure a complete understanding of how the PSAs will be used and to provide a holistic approach across a broad range of projects.
Technical Abilities
Team of PSA Experts
Our PSA team is the largest in Canada, providing risk assessment services to Canadian, US, and other international nuclear generating utilities since its inception over 30 years ago. This team was initially a part of the Nuclear Safety Analysis Division within Ontario Hydro, where the PSA staff supported station operations and developed detailed risk models for all the Nuclear Generating Stations (NGS) in Ontario.
Today, our team consists of 40 of the most experienced risk and reliability professionals in Canada. It has worked throughout the commercial nuclear industry on all reactor technologies – including PWRs, BWRs, CANDUs, VVERs, AGRs, and SMRs.
Nuclear Risk Informed Services
We also offer a full range of risk informed services to support nuclear facilities that includes but is not limited to:
- Supporting Licensing Hearings
- Preparing Regulatory Submissions
- Preparing Risk Monitors and other Risk Management Tools
- Developing new Methodologies
- Supporting Design Changes
- Assessing Unexpected Events
- Preparing Databases and Analyzing data
- Preparing Gap Analyses Against Best Practices and Regulatory Requirements
- Providing Training
PSA Activities
PSA activities our team has successfully completed include:
- Development and maintenance of station baseline PSAs
- PSAs for external hazards such as fires, high winds and tornados, floods, and seismic events
- Development and maintenance of reliability models for regulatory compliance
- Implementation of Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG)
- Support for Emergency Preparedness for the Province
- Methodology development (risk aggregation for multi-unit PSA; plant habitability and equipment survivability, implementation of FLEX/EME)
- PSA Applications (risk monitors for online maintenance, outage planning, and testing optimization)
- Risk-informed design assist analysis for a broad range of reactor technologies
- PSA for non-reactor sources
Our Proven Experience
Quality Assurance & Technical Standards
- 10CFR50 Appendix B (2021)
- Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants
- CSA N286.7
- Quality assurance of analytical, scientific and design computer programs
- CSA N299.1
- Quality Assurance Program Requirements for the Supply of Items and Services for nuclear power plants, Category 1
- REGDOC 2.4.2 (2014)
- Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Nuclear Power Plants