
Many activities at nuclear facilities, notably inspection and maintenance, use complex tools that are both large and robust enabling operation at a distance but also the sensitivity and accuracy needed for fine tasks to be performed. These tools are often deployed in outages and must operate reliably as soon as they are set up. If used in radiological zones they will be prone to becoming contaminated.
Servicing these tools is a specialized task and it is one in which we excel. We service a wide range of specialized tools and equipment that we use in our own fieldwork, and that we have developed for our customers. We also service third-party equipment owned by utilities.
Our servicing capability includes decontamination (to support servicing and to reduce dose to operators during deployment), inspection, assessment, repair, recalibration of sensors, and commissioning and testing of refurbished systems. We have an extensive mock-up facility for testing tools prior to redeployment.
We also support field deployment to ensure any arising issues are resolved quickly and the system is returned to operation in the minimum possible time.
*CWEST not available for sale outside of Canada until after November 30, 2027.
Why Us?
We Understand the Work
Because we use equipment of this type in our own tooling portfolio we understand how it is used, the conditions in which it operates, and the importance of proper maintenance. You can be sure that your equipment will receive the same care and attention as our own.
Dedicated Services and Facilities
Dedicated processes are used to support equipment that we service regularly or which has specialized maintenance needs. For example, we service our Circumferential Wet Scrape Tools (CWEST*) for their owners in a dedicated, custom-designed, facility.
Any Size and Any Complexity
Our extensive licensed facilities can accept contaminated equipment of almost any size. We have maintained tools that seek microscopic flaws and primary heat transport pumps as well as cables, flasks, and cutter cartridges, in fact, anything nuclear that requires maintenance.
Local Services for Even Faster Response
If it is helpful we will work with you to set up local facilities, allowing rapid transport to and from the service area and with the added benefit of boosting the local economy. One example is our Tiverton location, set up specifically to provide services to Bruce Power.
Minimum Cost, Maximum Availability
The work is done by one team, in one place, enabling the work to be done efficiently and in a timely manner, minimizing costs and maximizing your tooling availability.
Always Ready
Our team is always ready to provide a rapid response to any emergent issue. This rapid mobilization ability means that we can help you get back on schedule as quickly as possible.
Technical Abilities
The Full Maintenance Lifecycle
Our equipment maintenance services include all the following elements which can be called on individually, in any combination, or as a comprehensive package.
- Equipment Disassembly. Equipment is off-gassed to reduce tritium to acceptable levels if necessary. Following this, the tooling is disassembled using a detailed step-by-step procedure.
- Equipment Decontamination. Components are cleaned in an ultra-sonic bath and wiped down to remove loose contamination. For some projects, the equipment is suitably decontaminated for release to the public domain such that the assembly and testing can be performed outside of a radioactive facility. If we are unable to free-release and we are not doing the additional work the item can still be refurbished by outside vendors such as the original equipment manufacturer if they do it under our under our QA program.
- Equipment Rebuild. The tool or component (valves, motors, etc.) is removed from the site and rebuilt with new parts as per the assembly procedure. During assembly, intermediate checks are performed, where possible, to discover and correct issues prior to final assembly.
- Tool Testing. Testing is performed following the rebuild to qualify the tooling for use. This testing includes assessing key areas of function so that the tooling can be deployed to the field with confidence.
- Support Equipment Maintenance. Electrical carts, hand tools, cables, and other support equipment undergo function verification to confirm acceptable performance. This may be performed on a pre-determined basis (annually) or following each outage campaign.

Ontario Nuclear Services
Ontario Nuclear Services (ONS), located in Tiverton, is based in a 37,000 sq. ft facility, which includes a zone 3 area to provide turnkey solutions for maintenance and decontamination of tooling. The site is fully equipped with change rooms, a laundry, and two rubber tents for decontamination work in plastic suits.
The Bruce Power Inspection and Maintenance System (BRIMS) servicing and maintenance support has been performed at this location since 2018. Additionally, services for Single Fuel Channel Replacement (SFCR) readiness, Calandria Relief Duct (CRD) tool decontamination, and Major Component Replacement (MCR) are provided from this facility. Major Component Replacement support has included decontamination of the large Primary Heat Transport (PHT) pumps and execution of the PHT and moderator skids project.

Dedicated Circumferential Wet Scrape Tool (CWEST*) Servicing Facility
The decontamination and maintenance of our Circumferential Wet Scrape Tools (CWEST*) are performed for their owners in our CNSC-licensed Zone 3 CWEST Maintenance and Test Facility (CMTF). this facility includes two decontamination rooms with fume hoods for off-gassing of tritium & component handling and ultrasonic cleaning baths for component decontamination.
Additionally, the facility includes a pressure testing rig for tool head qualification and an optical microscope system for inspecting components and cutter inserts before and after use. The facility can accommodate work on two systems at the same time.
*CWEST not available for sale outside of Canada until after November 30, 2027.

Our Proven Experience
Quality Assurance & Technical Standards
- CSA N299
- Quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants