Small Modular Reactor Overview

The world is looking to the nuclear industry to develop improved reactor designs that will help produce the sustainable power needed to achieve net-zero ambitions. With the development of many advanced reactor concepts, it's safe to say that the nuclear industry is up to the challenge.
Some of these reactors may use novel fuels and coolants, as well as require different safety profiles and environmental footprints in comparison to existing nuclear technologies. These advanced concepts are the basis for the new small modular reactors (SMRs) that are being considered for deployment in smaller jurisdictions and other previously untapped markets. Advanced reactors include fast reactors capable of consuming existing fuels that may be cooled with metals or molten salts, reactors with molten fuels, and gas-cooled reactors. Some advanced reactors will operate on reprocessed fuel and many will have higher output temperatures that provide opportunities for heat storage, provision of industrial heat, desalination, and hydrogen production.
At their core, all these devices are nuclear fission machines and utilize the same basic principles that we have been using to design and license conventional nuclear technology.
Our track record in the conventional nuclear industry enables us to provide the combination of expertise, experience, infrastructure, and support facilities that enable the realistic design and testing of these new concepts.
In addition, we have experience with a diverse range of SMR and advanced reactor technologies and our team has supported major technology developers that are proposing designs for the Canadian market or who have undertaken a Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) pre-licensing review. We also have been proactively uprating our test facilities to enable work on these new technologies.
Why Our Small Modular Reactors?
Effective Teams
With experts in all aspects of reactor technology including materials, fuels, neutronics, heat transfer and fluid flow, and safety and licensing we are able to create effective teams of subject matter experts who work together to deliver solutions.
Local Commitment
We understand the importance of having a local presence, especially in regions contemplating acquiring their first reactor. Our team will work with you to establish the support that you need in your region.
One Stop Shop
Our comprehensive nuclear capabilities will help you select, build, inspect, maintain, and operate your plant. On top of that, we perform environmental assessments, qualifications, and tests. Whatever your issue is, we can help.
Studies, Advice, R&D and Licensing Support
We can help in whatever way you need undertaking technical, economic, and demand studies, advising on materials and designs or helping you obtain a license before the project proceeds and helping you build and operate when it does.
Planning for the Complete Lifecycle
Before a reactor is deployed, its full lifecycle must be understood from its design, through its construction and operation, to its decommissioning. We have experience with all aspects of a deployment and we use it to ensure that new designs are practical and licensable.
Commitment to the Future
The research infrastructure that supports conventional nuclear will not support some of the advanced reactor designs with their higher temperatures and harsher chemical environments. We are investing in uprated capabilities to ensure we can meet the new demands.
Our Small Modular Reactor Services
Site & Environmental Support Services
We support initial site selection, evaluation, and engineering site characterization for new build technologies.
- Scoping support related to site characterization and evaluation
- Subject matter experts (SMEs) to support independent reviews
- Support integration of the site evaluation work with new & existing design basis and information
- Perform risk aggregations to demonstrate qualitative and quantitative safety goals are met
- Support integration into licensing submissions
- Update and maintain site campus plans

Engineering Design Integration
We facilitate design integration with the current site and provide design feedback to vendors in areas of operability, maintainability, and reliability.
- Design (civil, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation & control)
- Provide experienced SMEs in support of utility requirements, document implementation, and interpretation
- Safety analysis
- Support pre-construction assessments to inform the design
- Modular engineering design for expansion of site infrastructure
- Technology interface with site infrastructure
Engineering Design Review & Acceptance
We review and provide recommendations on the preliminary and detailed engineering designs of proposed facilities, and:
- Support engineering configuration management process development and implementation
- Support development of design acceptance processes and procedures
- Provide SME support for design and an expert panel review
- Offer significant software capabilities ranging from conventional design, designated specialized engineering & safety analysis, to an array of simulation capabilities
- Perform code applicability reviews and gap analyses
Safety & Licensing Support
We prepare and develop material for regulatory approvals and analysis, including:
- Supporting developing licensing strategies for license to prepare site (LTPS) and license to construct (LTC) applications
- Integration of technical work into licensing or environmental assessment (EA) submissions in support of the LTPS/LTC applications
- Technical review and expert advice on LTPS/LTC applications and supporting submissions
- Developing and integrating NBP responsible preliminary safety analysis report (PSAR) content for LTCs

Advanced Systems Design Capabilities
We define and model complex interactions between several components to develop a system to meet any customer's needs and required functionality early in the development cycle.
Engineering Design
- Conceptual Engineering Design
- Materials evaluation and selection
- System and component optioneering
- Structures, systems, and components (SSC) interfaces and classification
- Code review and compliance
- Preliminary Engineering Design
- System level engineering design for primary and secondary side systems
- Establish metallic component specifications
- Human factors engineering
- Detailed Engineering Design
- Detailed system and component design

Advanced Complementary Technologies
We develop first-of-a-kind systems and technologies to compliment advanced reactors using innovative processes, such as:
- Hydrogen production
- Ammonia production
- Water desalination
- Thermal storage
- Isotope production

Our Proven Experience
Quality Assurance & Technical Standards
- 10CFR50 Appendix B (2021)
- Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants
- Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
- ASME NQA-1 (2008)
- Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications
- CAN3 Z299.1-85 (2006)
- Quality Assurance Program – Category 1
- CSA N285.0-17/N285.6 Series-17 (2017)
- General Requirements for Pressure-Retaining Systems and Components in CANDU Nuclear Power Plants/ Material Standards for Reactor Components for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants
- CSA N286.0.1-21 (2021)
- Commentary on N286-12, Management System Requirements for Nuclear Facilities
- CSA N291 (2019)
- Requirements for safety-related structures for nuclear power plants
- ISO 9001
- Quality Management System
Key Clients
As part of the Design Engineering Programs team, the Kinectrics Advanced Reactors and Technologies Design team offers unique turn-key solutions from a highly qualified and specialized multi-disciplinary team in all phases and areas of the lifecycle of SMRs and Advanced Reactor Technologies that is committed to providing extraordinary service. Our team pursuits excellence in every task we do.