
Industries and utilities face the difficult challenge of extending life expectancy of components and systems to optimize performance and reduce lifetime operating costs.

We are at the forefront in developing new advanced materials and asset management plans to help preserve and protect component integrity and enhance safety margins and extend the life of components. Coupled with our advanced facilities, our experienced team acts as a catalyst to accelerate the development of new materials and properties.

Our specialized scientists and engineers provide support to utility networks through:

  • Innovative materials and methods, to help utilities meet key strategic asset sustainability objectives and address operational challenges
  • Asset Management Plans, utilizing Health Indexing techniques to identify assets that require attention and then utilizing risk-based methodologies to develop short and long-term action plans

Why Us?

  • Advanced Materials Development

    We develop advanced materials to solve specific challenges, including nanocomposite insulation to improve dielectric properties, self-healing materials without human intervention, and extrudable water-blocking layers capable of self-repair.

  • Understand the Condition of Your Assets

    A wide range of analytical techniques, ranging from rapid spectroscopy to thermal and mechanical analysis are used to bring keen insights to the table that help you understand the condition of your assets and better plan for their maintenance and replacement.

  • Experienced Asset Management Engineers

    Our multidisciplinary team with industry-leading capabilities solves complex problems in order to maximize asset reliability and life. We understand the conditions affecting aging, the impacts, and the mitigating actions that counter obsolescence and prolong life.

  • Experienced Assessments

    Using our expertise and precision equipment we evaluate the mechanical and electrical performance and durability of your electrical connectors and cable conductors to provide you with reliable information on their condition.

  • High Voltage Cable Forensics

    Forensic dissections of AC and DC high-voltage cables and accessories establish the cause of failure and establish the warning signs for potential 'at-risk' assets.

  • Extending Safe Working Lives

    By investigating and assessing apparently healthy components, aging, suspect or degrading equipment, we help you manage your assets to extend their safe service life.