
Managing large and complex projects is hard. They are prone to straying from cost and time targets as a result of poor information, manual estimation errors, optimism bias, and uncontrolled scope creep. Project control tools enable data to be collected so that it can be used by the project manager and their team to make informed decisions.

Good project control tools collect the right data and display it in a way that allows easy visualization of the state of the project and its trends.

We use our broad experience, gained as a result of working on many different types of projects, to customize effective project controls. Our integrated project controls systems take a data-focus, attention-to-detail approach, to efficiently and quickly collect the information that you need and then to display it in a way that highlights key project issues. This allows for course corrections as soon as they are needed and so allows a manager to keep the project on track to a successful outcome.

Our customizations of project controls systems have been recognized by the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) as an industry best practice.

Why Us?

  • Customized to Your Project

    Every client program is unique and different. We develop customized project control solutions and software applications that will fit your project regardless of its size or complexity. With the experience of thousands of projects under our belt we take time to understand your proposed project and to ensure our dashboards are optimized to focus on objectives.

  • Embedded Support

    We don't just customize the software but we stand by you during the project providing the support of our experienced planners, schedulers, cost analysts, technical analysts, software developers, and project coordinators. Our experienced team is ready to deliver to support your project and help you ensure its success.