
Liquid, solid and gaseous waste materials can arise from a variety of operations that involve radiation environments and/or radioactive materials in the uranium mining and processing sectors, medical isotope production facilities and nuclear facilities. They can vary in hazard from personal protective equipment that may have been contaminated during use to used fuel that must be properly cooled, controlled, and contained to ensure environmental and public safety.

Radioactive waste management includes:

  • Waste Characterization
  • Waste Processing
  • Volume Reduction
  • Separation
  • Conditioning and Packaging to Permit Safe Handling and Transportation
  • Interim Storage
  • Final Disposal

Our waste management services are interwoven into many of our nuclear capabilities, allowing us to properly assign disposal routes while our shielding work supports container design for nuclear waste repositories.

Why Us?

  • Depth and Breadth

    Our experienced team of specialists use their knowledge of the problems to develop innovative technical and social solutions for safe management of radioactive wastes.

  • Sustainable Solutions

    We develop products that enable waste materials from the industry to be reduced, re-used or recycled so that the industry becomes increasingly sustainable.