Mechanical Testing Lab Overview

Our mechanical testing lab evaluates various in-service stresses on components as a critical first step before design. Mechanical testing aims to accurately predict the integrity of a product before it is put into use in its service environment. It also determines the condition of critical assets and predicts their in-service life.
Kinectrics' mechanical testing lab offers a full range of mechanical testing services, covering a wide range of mechanical, electrical, and environmental testing services for the electric utility industry, including testing products and aged components, testing of fiber optic cables, and specialized studies for wind-induced conductor motion and ice loading. In addition, we provide accurate and meaningful test data and analysis to help manufacturers and asset owners utilize the full capability of their components and avoid potential lost revenue due to poor performance or product failure.
Why Our Mechanical Testing Lab Services
Full Range of Mechanical Testing
We offer condition assessment, end-of-life assessment, and forensic services on aged overhead line components to support your asset management programs and ensure a reliable supply and public safety.
Experience that Counts
For over 30 years we have been performing various types of assessments in our mechanical testing labs, including overhead conductor type testing, and condition assessments to give our customers the confidence to effectively implement cost-effective and reliable maintenance programs.
Worldwide Clients
With world-class facilities servicing clients from over 38 countries, including over 45 major industry-leading manufacturers, we can offer mechanical testing lab services to a variety of markets.
Quality is Our Promise
Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation by the Standards Council of Canada and our registration to ISO 9001:2015 means you can be sure that we are able to meet a variety of standards.
Mechanical Testing Lab Technical Abilities
Mechanical Testing Laboratory
Our mechanical testing laboratory has a high-capacity, multi-purpose strong floor, high-temperature test bays, and universal test machines.
Features & Specifications
- High-Capacity Multi-Purpose Strong Floor
- Up to 15 m (50 ft) long horizontal spans
- Capacity up to 890 kN (200,000 lb)
- High-Temperature Test Bays
- Simultaneous thermal and tension cycling
- AC power supplies up to 3000 A
- 6 test spans up to 15 m (50 ft) long
- Universal Test Machines
- Up to 2.55 m (8 ft) long vertical spans
- Capacity up to 2,670 kN (600,000 lb)
- Sheave Test
- Single or triple frame, diameter up to 923 mm (36 in)
- Capacity up to 225 kN (50,000 lb)
- Breakover angle up to 70 degrees

Conductor Dynamics Laboratory
Our conductor dynamics laboratory offers 12 creep test spans, 4 vibration test spans (aeolian & galloping), and a sag tension & ampacity span.
Features & Specifications
- Creep Spans
- Over 12 test spans
- Up to 15 m (50 ft) long horizontal spans
- Capacity up to 155 kN (35,000 lb)
- Ambient and high temperature options (350°C/4000A)
- Aeolian Vibration & Galloping Spans
- 4 vibration spans up to 90 m (295 ft) long
- Capacity up to 225 kN (50,000 lb)
- 8 electrodynamic shakers for exciting conductors and damper hardware
- Sag Tension & Ampacity Span
- Up to 90 m (130 ft) long spans
- AC power supplies up to 4000 A

Aged Conductor Laboratory
Our aged conductor laboratory conducts condition assessment testing of aged conductors, ground wires, hardware, tower steel, insulators, and more.
Features & Specifications
- Wire Assessment Equipment
- Tensile machines with extensometer
- Wrap & Torsion machines
- Galvanizing thickness measurements
- Forensic Examination
- High-resolution microscope for metallography
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- Chemical Analysis
- Corrosion/metal composition by ICPAES/ICPMS

Environmental Laboratory
Our environmental laboratory includes both ASTM B978 heat exposure compliant ovens and our walk-in thermal chamber.
Features & Specifications
- Thermal Chamber
- Up to 6 x 5 x 3 m (20 x 16 x 10 ft) Walk-in chamber
- Temperature ranges from -50ºC to +85ºC
- Ovens
- Temperature ranges up to 400°C
- ASTM B978 Heat Exposure compliant (52 weeks exposure)

Our Proven Experience
Quality Assurance & Technical Standards
- ASTM Standards
- G31, G36, G112, G28, G48, G85
- BS EN Standards
- British and European Standard Specifications
- CIGRE Test Protocol
- Test Procedure for Power System Expertise
- IEC Standards
- International standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies
- IEEE Standards
- Standards developed and maintained by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- ISO 9001
- Quality Management System
- ISO 17025 (2017)
- Testing & Calibration Laboratories